The following is intended to be read by my heterosexual readers:
Do you know someone who is gay? Do you love someone who is gay? Seriously. I'm asking you if they are your friend or if they are your family. It's very simple. Don't they have the right to love someone and honor someone as an equal the same way you will/did when you got married? How can your answer be no? How can you POSSIBLY take the fundamental right to love and honor away from another person (and to be loved and honored in return)?
Prop 8 doesn't remove any of your rights. Read the facts yourself on the website I've put on my list to the right. Gay people aren't different from you...they have families, too- and it's about time that they are granted the equality to make their families complete with the bond of marriage. Overturning this decision and making marriage impossible for uncountable California gays is sending the wrong message. We need to foster equality and inclusion. I understand that some people, maybe a lot of people are more conservative in their beliefs than me. To them, I have to reiterate that you need to get the facts. Prop 8 doesn't mean that gay people are going to take over the world and your children are going to all turn gay (which is a silly notion, but one which I've heard people admit). Being gay isn't a religion, and they're not actively looking for converts. And think about it. Just because you deny a right to a person doesn't make them any less of who they are, does it?
Voting NO on Prop 8 is the right thing to do.
To finish, I will just share one thing. There are a few people, though very precious, that I know who are directly affected by this Proposition. I'd like to think I would care as much even if it weren't for them, but regardless, I'm very passionate about this. These are LOVELY people. The kind of people who make the world a better place on a daily basis. They MORE than deserve the equality they've been given since being afforded the right to gay marriage, and they MORE than deserve to maintain that right. If you were gay, wouldn't YOU want and deserve the right to marry the person you love? Really read that question again. Ask yourself seriously.
Please Vote No on Prop 8. It's about equality, not about being gay.
1 comment:
I hope you have a wonderful time! Eventually Wes & I will get a chance to go there and finalize this common law thing we got going on lol. My main reason for writing though is to say that I am in 100% agrreance with the blog you posted about Prop 8. IF I lived in CA, I would vote NO as well, but my vote doesnt count. I too know many ppl in the same situation and can only hope equality one day is really equal for EVERYONE. Cant wait for pictures!! Love you MunkPriest!
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