Sunday, September 14, 2008

We're Live!

I finally took the plunge (and spent a good chunk of my day today!) and now I'm listed on Etsy.  I had a little help from my new little MacBook which we got yesterday.  So far, Mac vs. PC?  I'd say they're about the same.  There are things I definitely miss, and this little guy will take some getting used to...but I love it already.  

So back to the rings.  I decided to list two of my newest rings:  a new amethyst-toned sparkly ring that I came up with, like, yesterday; and a "Halloweeny" ring with a diagonal stripe that I did a few days ago.  Over the next few days, I will add a few more rings.   These links will take you to the Etsy pages for the Purpley Ring and the Halloweeny Ring.

I have something I want to write about, but I will save it for my next post, as it deserves more time than I can give it right now.  I hope you'll come back for it.  TTFN.